Faculty. A licence given by a Consistory Court for any particular purpose connected with the fabric or contents of a church or churchyard.
Faith. The power bestowed by God by which we believe what God has revealed.
Fald-stool. A folding-stool—a kneeling-desk. The King kneels on a fald-stool at his coronation.
Fasting. Abstaining from food.
Fasting Days. The forty days of Lent and other days ordered in the Book of Common Prayer.
Fathers of the Church. The early Christian writers. Four eminent fathers are Athanasius, Jerome Ambrose, and Augustine.
Ferial. Jerome, ordinary day—neither a fast nor feast.
Filioque. The clause " and from the Son," the inser-tion of which in the Nicene Creed the Greek Church rejects.
Font. The word means fount or spring. Fonts be-came general in churches in the sixth century.
Franciscans. The order of friars founded by S. Francis of Assisi in 1209. Grey Friars.
Friar. From the French, frere, a brother. A mem-ber of a mendicant (begging) order. See RELIGIOUS ORDERS.
Frontal. An ornamental covering in front of an altar.
Fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, long-suffer-ing, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temper-ance (Gal. v. 22, 23).
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