Lady Chapel. The chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In many churches it is behind the high altar, as at S. Paul's Cathedral and St. Albans Abbey.
Latin Church. The Western Church acknowledging the Pope as its head.
Latin Cross. The ordinary form of the Cross with the lower limb twice the length of the others.
Lauds. One of the canonical offices.
Lavabo. A ceremonial washing of the priest's hands before the Consecration at Holy Communion.
Lay, Laity. The members of the Church apart from the clergy.
Lectern. The desk from which the lessons are read in church.
Lection (Lesson). A portion of Scripture for reading.
Lectionary. The list of the portions of Holy Scrip-tures read by authority in Divine Service. Lector. A public reader of Scripture.
Lent. Forty days of fasting from Ash Wednesday to Easter Eve. Kept in imitation of the fast of Christ.
Lenten Veil. A large white linen veil hung between the nave and chancel during Lent.
Letters of Business. The King's Message re-questing the Houses of Convocation to consider certain specified business.
Licence, Common. A bishop's licence for marri-age is granted by his chancellor for the marriage of persons in the church of a parish in which one of the parties has lived for fifteen days immediately preceding. This licence can be obtained from a surrogate.
Licence, Special. A licence permitting a marri-age to be solemnized at any time and place. It can be issued only by the Archbishop of Canter-bury through his officials.
Lich-gate. The roofed entrance to a churchyard where the priest receives the coffin at a funeral. " Lich " is the Saxon word for a dead body.
Litany. A solemn supplication, sometimes sung in procession.
Liturgy. A form of public worship ; the ancient liturgies are concerned with the due celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Lord's Day. The first day of the week, commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Lords, Spiritual. The bishops who sit in the House of Lords.
Low Sunday. The Sunday next after Easter Day.
Lux Mundi (Latin). " The Light of the World." A title of Jesus Christ.
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