Obits. Special celebrations of the Holy Communion at burials or the anniversary of a death.
Oblation. A solemn offering to God.
Octave of a Festival. The festival and the seven succeeding days.
Offertory. The part of the Holy Communion Ser-vice when the elements, alms, and certain prayers are conjointly offered.
Office. An older equivalent of our word " service."
Orders, Religious. The religious orders may be generally classified into monks and nuns, canons and canonesses regular, military orders and friars ; or monastic, military, and mendicant.
Ordinal. The book used containing the services for Ordination.
Ordinary. One who has original (as distinct from delegated) jurisdiction in ecclesiastical matters; usually the bishop.
Ordination. The setting apart of ministers of the Word and Sacraments in the Church, originating with Christ (S. Mark iii. 14) and the Apostles (Acts xiv. 23).
Ornaments Rubric. The second rubric preceding the office for Morning Prayer in the Book of Corn-mon Prayer. By this rubric we are referred to the First Prayer Book of Edward VI for the vestments in which ministers are to officiate in Divine Service.
Orientation. The building of a church with the chancel towards the east.
Orphrey. Embroidery on vestments.
Orthodox Church. A name sometimes given to the Greek or Eastern Church. The word " orthodox " refers to a doctrine which is accepted by the Church. O Sapientia. December 16th. The first of the great Advent antiphons, which are sung from this day until Christmas Day, begins " 0 Sapientia " (Wis-dom). (See English Hymnal, 734.)
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