Easter. The festival of the Resurrection of Christ. All movable feasts — Ascension Day, Whitsun Day, Trinity Sunday—depend upon Easter.
Eastern Orthodox Church. A term used of the Churches which acknowledge, or have acknow-ledged, the Patriarch of Constantinople as their head.
Ecce Homo. " Behold the Man ! " Words of Pilate (S. John xix. 5).
Ember Days. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday following the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsun Day, September 14th, and third Sunday in Advent. Days of prayer, for the clergy, and fasting. Times for ordination.
Emmanuel (Hebrew). " God with us." The Mes-siah : our Lord Jesus Christ.
Encyclical. A message issued by a council, a bishop, or the Pope to the faithful.
Epiphany. The festival (January bth) of the Mani-festation of Christ to the Wise Men of the East.
Episcopate. The whole body of bishops.
Epistle. A letter in the New Testament written by an Apostle. A portion of an Epistle is read between the
Collect and the holy Gospel at Holy Communion.
Erastian. A follower of Erastus a Swiss divine, who taught that the Church depends upon the State.
Eucharist, Holy. The Holy Communion regarded as an act of thanksgiving (Eucharist = thanks).
Evangelists. The writers of the four Gospels.
Eve. The day before a festival.
Excommunicate. To repel from the rites and privileges of the Church.
Exegesis. Interpretation or explanation of passages of Holy Scripture.
Exorcise. To drive out an evil spirit.
Extreme Unction. See UNCTION.
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