Genuflexion. A bending of the knee—a private devotion at certain times in public worship.
Glebe. Land which provides income for a benefice.
Gloria in Excelsis. " Glory to God in the highest " the angels' song at the Nativity.
Gloria Patri. The beginning of the Doxology, " Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost."
Gloriole. The circle of light around the head of pictured saints.
God. The Eternal Almighty Spirit Who has created and governs all things.
Godfather, Godmother. One who acts as sponsor at Holy Baptism to a godchild and promises to supervise the child's religious education until Con-firmation.
Good Friday. The Friday before Easter Day, on which Christ's death is commemorated.
Gospel. The message proclaimed by Jesus Christ and His Church also the four narratives of His life in the
New Testament. A passage from one of the Gospels is read at the Holy Eucharist with high honour.
Grace. The supernatural gift of God to enable us to attain salvation.
Gradual or Grail. An anthem sung at the Holy Eucharist between the Epistle and Gospel. Some-times refers to the book which contains the musical portions of the Holy Eucharist. Gradual Psalms. Psalms cxx-cxxxiv.
Grail, The Holy. The cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
Greek Church. The Greek National branch of the Eastern or Orthodox Church.
Gregorian Chant. A name for the plain-chant which was improved and established in the Church by Gregory the Great in the sixth century.
Grey Friars. See FRANCISCANS.
Guest house. The room in a monastery where strangers are entertained
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