Hades. A Greek word signifying the world of de-parted spirits. See definition of "Hell" below.
Hagiology. Writings relating to the lives of the saints.
Hagioscope. An oblique opening in the wall beside the chancel-arch of a church to afford a view of the high altar : sometimes called a " squint."
Halo. Same as aureole.
Heaven. The place or state in which those who love God worship Him perfectly in the full light of His presence.
Hell. The place or state in which the finally impenie tent are judged after death. In the Apostles' Creed, and in some passages of the Authorized Version, " Hell " has the same meaning as " Hades."
Heptateuch. The first seven books of the Old Testament.
Heresy. The denial or perversion of a dogma of the Church.
Hermit. One who from religious motives retires into a solitary life.
Heterodox. Tainted with heresy.
Hexateuch. The first six books of the Old Testament.
Hierarchy. The higher clergy—rulers in spiritual things.
Higher Criticism. The exact investigation of the date and authorship, etc., of the Books of the Bible. Criticism here means investigation.
Holiday. Holy day. A saint's day.
Holiness. Freedom from sin. " Without holiness no man can see the Lord."
Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity proceeding from the Father and the Son, Who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified.
Holy Orders. The various degrees of ministry in holy things in the Holy Catholic Church.
Holy Week. The week before Easter Day.
Holy Writ. The Holy Scriptures.
Hope. The supernatural confidence that God will give us salvation and all means necessary to it.
Hosanna. " Save, we pray "--a song of praise to God.
Host. The bread consecrated in the Eucharist.
Housel. An Anglo-Saxon name for the Blessed Sacrament.
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