IHS. A contraction of the Name of Jesus in Greek.
Immaculate Conception. The doctrine that the Blessed Virgin Mary was born free from taint of original sin.
Immanence of God. The essential presence of God in all the universe.
Incarnation. We mean by the Incarnation that God the Son took to Himself the nature of man. " The Word became Flesh, and dwelt among us " (S. John i. 14).
Incense. The common name for certain spices, the chief of which, frankincense, is a gum-resin which whenburned produces smoke and a sweet smell. It is used in religious ceremonies as an emblem of devotion. One of the gifts of the Wise Men to Jesus Christ.
Incumbent. The holder of a benefice. Briefly, the legal difference between the three kinds of incum-bents is that a rector is entitled to the whole income of a parish, tithe, and glebe ; a vicar to an endow-ment provided from the income of the rectory ; all others are perpetual curates. Apart from this they all have the same rights and duties.
Induction. The act of investing a priest (after in-stitution) with the possession of the temporalities of a benefice. The archdeacon, or some other person under mandate from the bishop, places the priest's hand upon the key of the door and inducts him into the real possession of the church with all its revenues.
Ineffable. That which cannot be expressed.
Infallibility, Papal. The doctrine that the Pope, when acting as the supreme head of the Church, cannot err in defining a doctrine of Christian faith or morals.
Innocents' Day, Holy. The festival (December 28th) observed in remembrance of the slaughter of the infants by Herod—formerly called Childermas.
I.N.R.I. Jesus of Nazareth, King (Rex) of the Jews.
Inspiration of Scripture. The divine influence received by the writers of Holy Scripture.
Installation. The act of formally placing some one in occupation of an office or place ; literally " place-ing in a seat or stall "; induction of a canon or prebendary to his stall in the cathedral choir.
Institution. The act of investing a priest with the cure of souls of a parish, and with a right to the temporalities.
Interdict. A prohibition of the Sacraments of the Church by an ecclesiastical authority.
Introit. A " going in " psalm or hymn sung before the Eucharist. (See Psalm xliii.)
Invocation of Saints. A "calling upon " the saints of God for their prayers.
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