Nativity, Festival of the. Christmas Day.
Nave. The body or people's part of a church. (Latin, navis, a ship.)
Nicene. From a town called Nicaea, in Asia Minor, where a Creed, which formed the basis of our Nicene Creed, was drawn up.
Nocturn. The canonical office at midnight.
Noel. The old French name for Christmas.
Nonconformist or Dissenter. One who refuses to worship with the Church.
None. The canonical office at 3 p.m.
Nonjurors. Clergymen and others who refused to swear allegiance to Willliam and Mary at the Revo-lution of 1688.
Novena. A devotion lasting nine days.
Novice. One who is serving a period of trial before being professed to a religious order.
Nunc dimittis. Two Latin words beginning the Song of Simeon (S. Luke ii. 29) sung at Evening Prayer and Compline.
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