Rationalist. One whose religion is based upon reason only.
Recluse. A solitary hermit.
Rector. See INCUMBENT.
Red-letter Days. Days noted in the Kalendar of the Book of Common Prayer for which proper Collects,
Epistles, and Gospels are provided. They are the " feasts that are to be observed."
Reformation. The movement of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries which resulted in the purify-ing of many abuses in the Holy Catholic Church.
Refreshment Sunday. See MOTHERING SUN-DAY.
Regeneration. The bestowing of new life in Holy Baptism.
Religion. A belief in the being and perfection of God and obedience to His Commandments.
Renaissance. The revival of learning in Europe during the fifteenth century.
Requiem. An office for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.
Reredos. A decorated wall or screen behind an altar.
Residentiary Canon. One bound by the conditions of his canonry to perform duties involving residence during part of the year.
Resurrection. The rising from the dead. " As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
Retreat. A time of rest and refreshment spent in devotional exercises, usually under the direction of a priest.
Revised Version of the Scriptures, completed in 1885 ; may be read in churches. It is more accurate but less rythmic than the Authorized Version.
Rite. An ordered act of worship.
Ritual. The mode of performing a rite.
Rochet. A long, close-fitting white linen surplice, with or without sleeves.
Rogation Days. Three days of abstinence before Ascension Day, set apart for public litanies to invoke God's blessing on the harvest.
Rood. The crucifix—sometimes above the chancel screen, the great rood : sometimes dependent from the roof, a hanging rood. Figures of the Blessed Virgin Mary and S. John always stood by the " great rood."
Rubric. A direction for the performance of divine worship. In old Prayer Books these are printed in red (Latin, ruber, red).
Rural Dean. A clergyman appointed by the bishop to supervise certain parishes in his diocese.
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